Sunday, June 12, 2011


It was my boy's first day at school. Trife have always been the pampered and cared type of kid. So until this morning, I was really hoping that he won't get uneasy at the new environment. I was even scared when he started to tell me the stuffs he's going to do after he goes home from school. But when the class started, boy he made me really proud! He got his first 3 stars. He participated well and even told his teacher that he's going to bring DVDs tomorrow for the class to watch.

Now, Tifa did the same. When she got home, she told me that she was given a job at school. So I said, what job? Then she started telling me that the job starts with letter M then U follows. Still puzzled, I asked what kind of job is that then she said that she has to look good and behave well. Goodness, she's the muse!

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