Monday, March 26, 2012


I happen to have a real life superhero, my lola.

I grew up with her. In fact, aside from my parents, she is always a part of my childhood memories. I love to recall how she patiently brings me to church so she can have her afternoon meditation. She is one of the reasons why I cannot skip Sunday masses and why I conscientiously do the Novena until this very day. Religiously speaking, she influenced me a lot. In fact, it was one of those moments while we walk under the heat of the sun going to the church when I perfected counting 1 to 100.

Despite the frail body of an elder woman, she would carry me from the house of my cousin to her house when it is time to go to sleep. I remember one of those rare moments when she lost her balance. I have a few bruises from that event but that would not compare to what she got.

She teaches me how to be patient and she resembles it a lot. Despite the waywardness of a child, I could not recall a single instance when she lost her patience with me. She loved me unconditionally, enough to never raise a finger on me even during that instant when I poured water to her vegetable dish just because she won’t let me play outside.

She was with me when I cannot muster the courage to go to school alone. I could recall some instances when we solve elementary math together. She would be proud of me, regardless of how a lousy singer and dancer I am. She believes in me, even those times when I could no longer be at the honor list. She was a part of my victory. She would travel for an hour just to get to our place, just to consistently give us our presents during life’s triumph.

In times when I fall flat on the ground, she never questioned my decisions. Rather, she would always remind me that I have someone to lean on. She defended me even in times when I should rather be the one defending myself, my actions. She understood me even in times when that is the last thing I need.

I believe that if she has this list of people close to her heart, I am one of those on her top list. Every Christmas day, she would show the stuffs she received and would ask me if I want those. She would give her gifts away happily. In fact, my closet is filled with the stuffs that were given to her as a gift.

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