Wednesday, February 22, 2012

What's up?

There are many things I need to talk about.

First, I desperately need a helper. August last year, I bid goodbye to our helpers. I thought I could handle the pressure alone but to no avail, 6 months later, a twist in the story commenced.

Secondly, my life needs a little “fix”. Life pressures are high that I lost my purpose. I’ve been sailing where the wind blows me. I need to reassess my life again for the nth time.

Third, my room needs a makeover. I need to have a bigger table where I can work, and probably give the one I am using to my kids as their study table. I need a play area for the kids so they do not end up messing someone’s place again. I need lots of cabinets for organizing our stuffs.

Fourthly, I am preparing for an occasion this March. This entails a big budget so I need to do extra work to get by. So now, I am working until 11pm.

Fifth, we will have our school’s defense on Friday. I need every confidence I could muster.

How about you? What's up with your life?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Kumon: A Review

Every mom wants the best for her kids. However, raising up kids in a spirit of sportsmanship, acceptance, and self-confidence is only a few inch apart from the value of competition. This fact made me skeptical to try out Kumon, at first.

My daughter performs well at school. She is attentive and eager. But she’s a stammer. She probably got it from me, I swear to stutter until grade 2. This allowed her to perform feebly in Reading class. Not that bad but I guess, not good enough to land her on the honor’s list. At first when she’s in Nursery, she made it on their Top Ten list. But when Kindergarten came and the class started reading, that’s when she slowly glide down the big list. This allowed me to look at Kumon for alternative.

She started Kumon last January 21. She’s good at CVC words but still find it quite hard to recite them well enough. First week came a breeze, she loves the colorful booklets and the new words she’s discovering. I must say Kumon’s workbooks are pure genius. The kids don’t get bored of them, especially with the idea of studying. My daughter would beg if she can answer the booklet for the next day, this is how eager she is! The purpose of helping kids develop a good study schedule is well addressed.

I must also commend Kumon’s teachers, or are they called professors, mentors? Their endurance is remarkable. It is like smiles are purposely glued on their faces.

Now, at exactly 4 days before her first month at Kumon, she is starting to read more difficult words than the usual CVCs.

So is it worth it? Well, Kumon is worth every pain and penny.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What If

How are you?

I’m not good lately. I must admit that I love doing something now, but this something is the same thing that is causing me pain.

What if everything that you have been trying to forget is actually what brings you happiness now? What if you want something, but that’s only you because you don’t get the same “longing” from the other end? What if you want something so bad but you are unsure if it’s the right thing? It’s funny, I know.

Well, I don’t have guts to spill the beans. Not now, not tomorrow, and maybe not forever.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Here we go again. Just when I thought you passed this stage, you are failing me again. Stop thinking about what you don't have, instead look at all your blessings. One mistake of the past could no longer ruin you now. Stop looking at your errors because you can't do anything about them. The mourning stage is all over, stop looking back.

What is gone, is gone. Convince yourself that you are happy because you are supposed to.



Saturday, February 11, 2012


Haven't able to blog lately. Everything's good, by the way.