Here are the highlights of the year:
Saturday, December 31, 2011
The Highlights of 2011
Here are the highlights of the year:
Friday, December 30, 2011
I feel Sad
Don't do things that you don't intend.
Maintain the distance.
Don't cross the line if you're not going to last.
I don't want to hear.
I don't expect.
So please you don't have to do anything.
Just be real.
Monday, December 26, 2011
Conversation with my Girl
Anyway, we were talking about a friend getting married next year when she asked:
(conversation translated)
T: Are you going to marry again?
Me: (shocked) I don't know. Why, you want me to marry again?
T: NO.
Me: Mommy needs someone to take care of her. Who do you think will take care of us once I get old?
T: (raises her head as if proud of herself)
Me: I know. But you're too small, mommy needs someone big enough to carry her around.
T: (rolls her eyes) Daddy can.You can marry him.
Me: *laughs*
T: Why do you need someone to carry you around? Me and baby boy can do it. Remember, its the 3 of us together?
This melts my heart. I love you to bits ate T!
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Win 100 Pesos Load
Thursday, November 10, 2011
10 Things to Learn About the Attitude of Complaining
- Do not trash talk. You never know how far these words can hurt someone.
- Think before you speak. This may sound like a cliche but its a great thing to practice if you don't like waking up one day and realizing that a good friend won't talk to you anymore.
- Learn to deal with your own insecurities. Before you start wishing that others can change their attitudes, start changing your own first.
- Look around and find people who cares for you.
- Appreciate when you are on the verge of complaining.
- Get some self-control.
- Think happy thoughts. There are just so much in life to be happy about, start looking for them.
- Write or draw when you are angry. Just do something that will destruct you from your current situation.
- Get help. People who are ready to lend a crying shoulder are everywhere. You can even find them online. Join forums and support groups. Knowing that you can relate to others will help you find courage in the situation you are dealing with.
- Learn to love yourself.
Monday, November 7, 2011
A Letter to Tifa's 6th Birthday
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Mini Haul on a Rainy Day
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Lessons Learned
- time will help you forgive
- you cannot always get your heart's desire
- you must learn how to SETTLE
- dream high
- believe
- prayers work wonders
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Weird Stuffs
I’ve been into weird stuffs lately.
Last Monday, I saw a snake on my way home. Ok, I’m heading to my son’s school to fetch him up. I saw a big crack on this huge house at Velamor subdivision. To my surprise, inside the crack is a really big snake! The snake stares at me as if I am his nosy boss. I kept mum about it and pretended nothing happen. I only broke the news when we were home. This is how the snake scares the hell out of me!
This morning, I was about to leave the house when a cat with a weird stuff on its mouth passed by me. I did not bother; I thought the weird stuff is a fish or a slipper. Then again, the cat came back. This time, he dropped the weird stuff. What I saw is a snipe (take note, this is the first time I saw a live snipe). The cat chased the snipe that went near me! Weird. Scary.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Recent Purchases
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Happy Father's Day To Moms!

Thursday, June 16, 2011
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Saturday, May 14, 2011
RH BILL, What's Your Take?
I AM AGAINST RH BILL. Before you curse me and say I’m one of the old-fashioned moralists, you can spare yourself the trouble because I would love to be called that way. You see, I am not the typical Ms. Goody Two Shoes. In fact, I have fair share of troubles. I am one of the many “teen moms”—the one who you laugh at dinner time for being too careless with her love life. I am one of them. In fact, I married young, with the wrong guy, because now we’re separated. I have enough reasons to go to the street and say “keep your rosaries out of my ovaries”.
So now comes the bill that could have saved me from being a stupid young mom, but why am I not happy about it? Let me tell you why.
Abortion entered my mind the moment I realized I am pregnant. But faith saved me from doing so. I always believe that everything in this world is planned by HIM. It’s God’s grace to allow us to experience things we could have been better without. So believing that God will never leave me empty, I went through the pregnancy while I kept my head down as people made a feast out of my life. Boy, it was never a cloud nine experience. I could almost recall how many “disgusting” smiles I had with people, worst, from some of my relatives. If parents could create a model of a life that their children should never patronize, it would be mine. If there is a boarder that separates the good and the bad, I am on the latter.
My life had been a constant episode of trying-to-prove-I-am-worthy. It was hard to follow the life of a typical teenager after you’ve been tagged with immorality. But now, all I can do is smile when thinking the days I questioned God why I had to go through hell. I realized that my life could have never been this good if I never have to cross that path. Possibly, I am still one of the teenagers who party all night, the one who can drop dead anytime because no one will ever care. The kids and the experience gave me perspective in life.
So back to the RH bill, I believe that God gave us purposes in this life. The approval of this bill will let us meddle with His will. How many times a woman did tried contraceptive pills because she thinks it is not still the best time to conceive? How can one recognize that it is exactly the perfect time? When did human ever have the ability to see what the future holds? No matter how steady your life would be, no matter how you enjoy a high-paying job, you could never decide when the best time to get pregnant is. No one ever comes ready for it. It’s an experience that needs learning. It is something that comes to anyone, almost unexpectedly. It is a blessing indeed.
RH Bill will never make us enjoy sex. Since when did we appreciate what’s normal? You wake up each day without going through the ecstatic moment of “aha! The sun is shining”. The sun will continue to shine each day; there is nothing amazing about it. So if we can have sex with anyone without getting pregnant, it will become a norm. It will become a boringly tedious norm. Its meaning will be lost. So for some who thinks that we could enjoy sex better if there’s the RH bill? Go on and make me laugh more. The RH bill will make us no better than the nomads who indulge into something without thinking about the consequence.
RH Bill is never pro-poor. It’s a way for officials to cover the dents they made in the government. It’s a system who let a pot calls the kettle black. If we really want to become progressive, why not change our morals? Are we that powerful to stop the future because we can handle the present on our own hands? Don’t we need the children of tomorrow to help us with our present? If children and poor had always been the priority of government then why are they not welcome in our society now?
RH Bill is an issue of morality and this is an issue that involves the women specially. If RH bill will be approved we will lost our decency. We could anticipate a future were families are broken, were whores cohabit with your husband because sex will then be free. We could look forward to a place where baby boomers are plenty and babies who brighten our day are nothing but rare species. Will we be progressive by that time? Maybe yes. But will we be happy?
I am a proud mom, I am Pro-Life.
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Monday, April 25, 2011
My Heart
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
This Lent
Look at His glazed and sunken eyes.
Look at His wounds.
Look Jesus in the Face.
There, you will see how He loves us."
~ St. Therese of Lisieux
Thursday, April 14, 2011
On Friendship
Yesterday, we rummage through her things to find something worthy for keeping. Last night, we ate our heart out which probably is our last meal together. Now, I’ve watched as her family went onboard to a place million miles away from me.
I never knew how it hurts to say goodbye to a friend, but your hug made it bearable.
It seems only yesterday when we planned how we wish our kids to grow up. We wished them to become someone like what we have. But then suddenly, we have to say goodbye to those wishes and longings. How I wish I could still see your kids grow up. I wish we could have our daily chats still. I hate talking about pains but I cannot help it this time because I dearly and selfishly miss you a lot.
I’m going to miss how I start my week and end it with our long conversations. I am amazed how we managed to sit for a couple of hours and more just talking about the same thing each and every day. We manage to deal with each other’s attitudes and even went far from not hating one another through the years. Honestly, I could not recall a single day when we hated each other. I am going to miss our FB secrets. The way we share notes in order to keep the best for our kids. I love how unselfish you have become to me. I love how we constantly talk about beauty stuffs and when we get bore, we talk about our kids, our own marriages, and our friendship.
I hate that you told me just yesterday about your plan of leaving. I thought you are going to tell me months before the date. But then again, I understand how you feel. I understand how you hate to see us cry. I understand how this parting hurts you too.
I don’t know if ever we will see each other again but this tears, this pain, this everything…will surely lead our paths to cross again. I love you Tess and I love your family. Take care because I’m going to hate you if you don’t…
Your friend,
Friday, April 8, 2011
a reminder
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
Friday, March 25, 2011
Project Vanity- Day F*cking 1
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Just Be Your Very Best
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Monday, March 21, 2011

Friday, March 18, 2011
The Past Can Still Haunt You
Why am I saying this? Because no matter how hard I try to convince myself that "we're finally separated", I realized that I could not honestly detach myself from him. I hate myself now for writing this blog but realizations should be faced.
I realized that I will never have the chance to talk to him and sort out the problems. Our relationship never ended the right way. One moment its eternal bliss...and POP! It is gone. I wish we could have said our goodbyes because things will be easier that way.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
What I Learned About Japan's Tragic
A nervous-freak as I am, I try to convince my mother to evacuate. To no avail, she just assured me that we're fine here based on the advisory she would patiently listen to from her trusted phone's radio feature. So what I did was to grab a palm leaf from last year's Palm Sunday, light a candle from the Candelaria celebration last February, and prayed. I then packed some of my kids stuffs including their milk and nappies and waited for the clock to turn 7pm.
Anyway, we're ok.
But the moment I turned on the tube, pictures of Japan's tragedy hit me. Lives lost here and there. Families looking for their members. The massive destruction. Wrecked homes. Muddy streets.
And now,
There's the threat of radiation.
But from these events, I learned the following:
1. That in times of darkness, you will always find a hand who will hold you securely. God never abandons anyone. He will always send His angels to watch over us.
2. That while people in Japan fought for their lives, Libyans are killing theirs.
3. In the end, you will still go back to the place you call "home".

4. That Japanese are disciplined.
5. Miracles do happen.

Monday, March 7, 2011
on diet
Im on diet. I know I've been in this road too many times before and I always find myself failing.
I'm doing the morning banana diet although I also eat just banana and milk in the evening.
Monday, February 7, 2011
On Being Thrifty
About 2 years ago, a friend would usually admire me for being such a "thrifty" folk. I usually keep track of my finances and keep most of it for my savings. But just lately, I realized that most of my money is spent on things I really don't need. Like, I find a good BB cream review and before you know it, I am itching to go to the mall to grab one, etc. Worse, after I've withdrawn an amount, the next day I find myself having the urge to withdraw again because I've spent everything already. I don't understand where these "urges" came from.
So now, I promise not to go out every afternoon to prevent unnecessary spending. Also, I won't be carrying my wallet any longer :P I just need a purse to bring the amount I need. I'll start working on my finances again so wish me luck!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
On Setting Priorities
Being a person who can't decide whether she's born under the year of a Tiger or an Ox, I am hell proud to say that I am used to hard and backbreaking works. You can try and make me hate the fact that I got a mountain of dishes to wash or a pile of articles to make, but you'll fail. You see, I love testing my strengths. Weird, I know.
So what's bothering me right now to the point that I have to deactivate my FB account?
Well, you see, I often get distracted with loads of things. Call it a short attention span or anything you like but this is one of my main worries in life. Setting priorities is where I mess up big time. So I constantly embrace different "organizers" to make me go through the right road. Here are some of what I am thankful of:
1. A Planner- This year, I got a blue one. It was given to my mom as a gift but since she thinks she doesn't need one, she handed it down to be with glee. Well, I was happy to have it because it could save me a few hundreds from getting a new one. Interestingly, I put the planner under my bed so I could write my plans for the next day before hitting the sack.
2. MS Excel- Do you know I have the habit of continuously computing my finances? Well I think I really need to do such thing or else, I'll be damn broke for 365 days a year!
3. Task Manager Website- I'm keeping one right now to keep up with my daily freelance works.
4. My Cellphone- I am no texter. In fact, friends usually complain that I do not answer their texts. :P Anyway, if you find me scribbling something on my cellphone then it must be probably the tasks I need to keep track on. I use my cellphone as an alarm clock, an accessible organizer, a secret keeper, and a lot more.
Friday, January 28, 2011
after the birthday
i have a new hair color, copper blonde.